(The link above is for the history of the Paleolithic time)
We always hear the word pigment and we really never hear when this around was. Pigments were around since the Paleolithic time which was the era was our first ancestors were alive. This is when they say that there was the first wheel and the first stone tools. They were trying to mix things up and they found this way of mixing pulverized minerals and charcoal. They would paint on their caves and this paint have been there for over than 30,000 years. Back then, the pigments that they had were not that well when it came to the texture of it and also the color that you would get. As the years have been going, there have been better pigments with their colors and also now they sell then when back then they didn’t, most people would make them. Also there are some pigments that are from natural earth and they are umbers and siennas. Others like cadmium colors are not natural because they have somewhat different mixtures and they are manufacture differently. So now you know that pigments have been here for along time and yet they are still use now days.